Friday, March 11, 2011

Road Trip!

I have been on the hunt for the right piece of furniture to fill in a gap in my Great Room, wanted to try and avoid the big box stores, because alot the times it is cheap stuff..  I am also pretty picky when it comes to furniture, everything has to match! So every piece of furniture in my house is dark wood and a set! I love the Dark Woods, so like Chocolate Brown it can't be just anything. The only stuff that is not really dark wood is the girls bedroom sets.  I have a visual of what I am looking for so when I see it, it is mine! I would like it to house my "Liquor Bottles" and stuff of that nature, so almost like a serving tray!  I am so short that I can't reach them in their house currently above the fridge, it requires a step stool.
Tom has also been on the hunt for it, and was nice enough to message me and let me know that he found one that might work.. I checked it out and agreed that is it, let's go!

So, it being on line pictures can be very deceiving.. I got the address off line, got the kids ready last night and off we went. Plugged it in the GPS and said arrival time would be 1/2 hour.. Not bad, kids were excited and packed up with their DS' so away we go.. Weekday Road Trip - To Kitchener or so we thought! Apparently not, it was raining and foggy great day to go I know.  Kids started whining cause we were stuck in traffic & so we kept saying we would be there in 5min.. Thankfully they can't tell time yet! As we are driving, Tom and I realized that we were in the middle of no where, like seriously no were.. Where the hell are we going, who's idea was this, what kind of place is it that is selling furniture in the middle of no where.. We start to pass a Mennonite Church lined with Horse Stalls, which is fine because that tells me the Furniture Quality is what I am looking.. Perfect, feeling really good about this drive....  Pull through the town, there are such lovely homes but no furniture place perhaps it is  farm?  We finally reach the "Checkered Flag".. It is this little dive of a store, DEALZ 4 Less, tucked away in the corner... I look at Tom and say "Do you think there is a Starbucks nearby"... LMFAO.. "I don't know, we will ask" he says with a smirk.... Felt like a scene from the movie "For Rich or Poorer" with Kirsty Alley and Tim Allen!

We go in the store and Tom being funny asks the lady if there is a "Starbucks" near by, she rudely replies.. "No a Tim Horton's"...  I nearly pissed my pants... Tom says to her " I was just kidding".. Kids were like "What is this place"? I did not want to reply "A Dive"... LMAO I just kept movingg them up the aisle, let's look for what we saw in the picture and keep moving! Finally find what we thought would be a perfect fit for our furniture collection.. OMG, what a waste of a drive..  I just laughed my whole walk through this store!! There were doors that did not open, they were there for decoration.. There were hinge's in places that should not have hinge's... So not what we thought at all and they wanted $250 bucks for the stupid thing! Could have picked something like that up at a friggin Goodwill for $50 Bite me!  I will be making a trip to Ashley Furniture a "Big Box Store". We start to head out and I felt bad because we took the kids all the way out here and are leaving empty handed. So I ended up leaving there spending $3.00 on "Hannah Montana tattoos" and a bag full of "Tiddly Winks"...

So we begin to make our way home and had to plug into the GPS to bring us to the nearest Starbucks.. I think the kids deserve a dessert for that trip.... Our "Cyber Bitch" as I call her, brings us to a Starbucks in Kitchener so I am over joyed to see some civilization.. I run into the Starbucks grab some treats & lattes.. And we fill up the car with gas... I guess one thing good came out of the trip to "No mans land".. We scored gas for 1.19 a litre, got a Latte & had some family time with alot of laughs.... Even though it might have been a failed Road Trip, it was still a fun one and we really enjoyed the company of each other and made some memories which we always love to do!

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