Sunday, February 27, 2011

Cars, then a Sick Day

Sorry I missed yesterday. Was a busy one. Went for Massages first thing in the morning, then headed to the big city to tackle the Autoshow with 2 kids.. Ekks, I can tell you that will be the first and the last! They were pretty well behalfed for the most part except of the 50 million times we had to pee or the 50 million times I heard are "Are we going to the Subway yet", " I need a snack, perhaps a drink".. It took us 5 HOURS to walk the place which normally without kids would take about an hour, 2 tops! The last time I was there was 13 years ago and was looking at Suzuki Swifts now I go with 2 kids and looking for SUV (Family Car).... Boy things have change! So while being there for 5 hours walking, I started to feel like crap~ Thought it was just the walking and the massage! But NOPE!

Came home took a hot bath to sooth the aching muscles and relax, then started the sore throat! I lubed myself up with Aches and Pains, took an Advil and headed to bed! Woke up this morning feeling even worse.. Yuck~ Thankfully Tom is home which is helping out ALOT because I can rest and veg in bed and rest up to feel better to tackle the week. Kids are being so good today, Laila is napping she feel yucky too. So Daddy and Belle are bonding over Treehouse! Today I have had Breakfast in Bed with some lemon tea, took a nap now watching "Real Housewives of Orange County".. LOVE THESE SHOWS.. So today I am officially taking a SICK DAY which I don't get often!

I hope that tomorrow is a better day and I feel alot better. It is the start of a busy week and I have my tattoo booked for Wednesday and really don't want to cancel it.. And besides I have 2 little monkeys that depend on Mommy feeling better.

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