Monday, February 28, 2011

Not my idea of a "Break"

When I said I wished I could have a break, being sick in bed was not exactly what I was thinking...

Went to the Doctor today after feeling like shit the past few days and I got some pretty pissed off Tonsils. I have full blown Strep Throat... So now I am on another round of Antibiotics for 10 days.. I just flippen finished a 10 day course of them for a Sinus Infection. They are thinking that from taking the last dose of Antibiotics it wipes everything good in you out which leaves you vulnerable for the next lovely thing to come along.... I was so excited to hear that, guess I will have to live in a bubble for a month!

Kids have been wonderful while I have been in "Quarentine", and I still have another 24 hours to go before I can back to the land of the living.... I certainly do miss those kisses and hugs that is forsure, that has to be the hardest thing about being contagious. But kids with Strep in exchange for Hugs an Kisses is not something I am willing to trade~ So we do our "Virtual" Squeezes and "Virtual" Kisses at the door which breaks a mothers heart, because you just want to get over there and hug them for real.  Laila has not been feeling the greatest either which makes us want to be extra careful with her because she is already feeling like crap! She was given a antibiotics too just in case, so we have that on hand in the event that she becomes ill with Strep in the next 4 days. She has had a fever and sore throat but nothing compared to me yet! But I am hoping she stays all good...

When I said I wanted a break, I was meaning a night out by myself. Not couped up in a bedroom watching boring TV, eatting mushy food, having hot teas and gargling with Salt water! This is the best weight loss program ever! Soup, Pudding, or nothing at all because you feel so shitty to eat.  I tell you this sucks the big one! I have not felt this shitty in a long time.  I just hope that the meds work fast and kick in so that I can feel better soon.

1 comment:

  1. aaww I hope you feel better soon, its lonely when your alone without kids huh? Thats what I'm figuring out while Abi is in school, well I hope you get better so that you can hang out with them soon!
