Friday, February 25, 2011


So this is it.... It is no longer a want it is a need. LOL. Who would have thought that I would need to have a TATTOO. I have been on the fence about it for so long, that now it is time to take the plunged and Just do it screw money, you only live once right? 

I have what I want all picked out and ready to go. Now it is just a matter of getting in to get a consultation and appointment to do it. I have had appointment in the past but got to flipping scared and chickened out. I am scared of the pain, which is kind of funny because I gave birth to Isabelle who had wide shoulders which resulted in 6 stitches, then you have Laila who was all natural no drugs & all back labour and had a slightly large head.. So a tattoo should be a cake walk. I always said that when or if I got a tattoo it would be something that had meaning.

I have decided to go with a lower back (Tramp Stamp or Splash Pad) so I have been told is what they are called LMAO. I wanted it there because no one would ever really see it, I also like the look of it there for whatever reason, also I figured it would less painful since I had all back labour with both girls so it can't be worse then that Right??  It will be a Butterfly in vines, slightly coloured in Pink and Purple which are my girls favorite colours. I also wanted to get the girls names wrote in the vines somehow which would finish it off. So now it is just a matter of getting the ball rolling and get it done. I have sent a bunch of emails to the shops to get quotes and stuff but have heard nothing back, which pisses me off because what is the effing point of email if your not going to reply?

I often hear from people well you are a "Mom" you should  not get a Tattoo or what kind of an "Example" are you setting for your kids? I guess people think that it is wrong for mothers to do this sort of thing? But the way I see it, is just because you are a mother does not mean that you are dead... We change enough for our kids and do alot for them. So why not do something for us, we should not have to stop living because we are mothers. Because I sport a tattoo and am a Mom it does not change who I am. I am still the same loving, nurturing person I was without it! If people want to judge me because I have a tattoo, they can go screw themselves cause I really don't give a rats ass... I know lots of people that have tattoos more then one for that matter and they are wonderful people & ink did not change them or the person they are!

So I am going to do it, I am going to go and let someone colour on me with permanent ink.... Let's just hope it turns out the way I like it cause it can't come off... Ekks!

So shortly after I posted this blog, I headed over got the consultation and booked it. I AM SO EXCITED.. Like a little girl in a candy store!! I got Wednesday at 5. I will try to get pictures as we go through the process (Can't gaurentee anything) but I will try. I asked what if Child Brith is worse then a tattoo they assured me it is far worse.. So if I can pass deal with 6 stitches from 1 child & no drugs with another, I think it is fair to say that this will be like a walk in the park!  Woot Woot.. So Pumped, Wednesday can't come soon enough!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you Heather!! I'm WAY too chicken to ever do it myself:)
