Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Breakfast in Bed

I woke up this morning at 5:30am soaked in sweat.. Yes, FEVER FINALLY BROKE. Which is a good thing! Cause I am just about finished with this shit. Had a horrible sleep, because it is sooo uncomfortable to swallow, I now know what poor belle felt like when she had her tonsils removed. Ouch!

When I got up I was greeted by the kiddies and hubby with breakfast awaiting me, not the best way to get breakfast in bed but it was nice! I do feel alittle better today, not 100% but I will take what I can get even if it is small steps, at least it is appears to be in the right direction. We cancelled the appointment for the Tattoo until at least a month, that way it gives me a total chance to heal and not fall right back into this shit again! You don't realize the Antibiotic's cleans your body out which leaves you open for other invaders... I will be so happy when this Flu Season is all done. Because I certainly do not want to experience this shit again nor do I want my kids to get this crap. This has been hell! I felt like death, even my flippen hair hurts!

My sweet girls made me a ton of little pretty Get Well cards which was so sweet. Laila gave me the explanation of what each one was.. I got a "Lily and Roxelle" Card which is a famous character from the movie Megamind.. Then I got a picture of a beautiful Angel, another of a Rainbow. Then she made me another card which was a picture of a person blowing a whistle in a fish tank, but she does not know how draw fishes yet because she is only 3 but when she is older she can draw a fish. So that is why there is no fish in the tank! LMAO

Hopefully this afternoon I will be out of this cage and I can become a little more mobile! That way it has been 24 hours of penicillin which will make me past the contagious part! But the thing I will have to remember is just because I feel better, does not mean that I deplete all my energy by doing housework, I will still need to take it easy which is so hard for us mothers to do!

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